Recycle and Compost Project 26/09/2023

These activities revolved around sustainability and environmental awareness. Students enthusiastically participated in creating recycling bins, taking a step towards a greener future. Additionally, they immersed themselves in the fascinating world of composting and learned about the vital role that worms play in the decomposition of organic matter. It was a day of hands-on learning and commitment to making a positive impact on our planet.

These activities revolved around sustainability and environmental awareness. Students enthusiastically participated in creating recycling bins, taking a step towards a greener future. Additionally, they immersed themselves in the fascinating world of composting and learned about the vital role that worms play in the decomposition of organic matter. It was a day of hands-on learning and commitment to making a positive impact on our planet.
Nature Museum 06/03/2022

Nature Walk 06/10/2022